Life, hope and renewal

Cherry blossoms have deep symbolic meaning. Not only are they a symbol of Spring, but they are also a symbol of hope and renewal. They represent the fleeting nature of life since their time in bloom is so short-lived. 

Their beautiful blossoms remind us how fragile and transience life is. Nothing lasts forever. They tie closely into Buddhist themes of mindfulness, mortality, and living in the present.

Two years ago, when we first moved to the house we live in now, we planted a little tiny baby Cherry blossom in the front garden. The front garden was when we first bought the house, empty, grey, full of concrete and grey pebbles. Nothing was alive in there when we bought the house. It was a lifelong dream of mine to own my own garden one day. See I have lived in apartments my whole adult life. This was my first garden and ours to grow. One of the first things we did was dig up the concrete, the stone and unearth the soil to the light, air, and rain. You could almost hear it breathe a sigh of relief. Plant grass and a little baby cherry blossom tree, right in the middle of the grass.

This year it is the first time it’s blossoming little pink flowers. I can see the flowers swaying in the wind from my living room. Little garden birds thrive to land on its branches. Spring finally has come!

Be mindful, kind, and hopeful my dear friends, as we all need it in this crazy world. Let the sun warm your heart and the sky look upon you in blessing.

Let us hold virtual hands together and pray for love and peace. 

Love Tineke

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

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