Sharing our love and energy with others is our Empath gift to the world. As we are so busy focusing on helping others and taking in all the feelings and energies of others around us, we forget to protect our own.

Sound familiar?

Energy vampires or people who drain the life out of us, are always gravitated towards us sensitives, as moths to lamps.

We cannot help it. Unfortunately, we are not always aware of this ongoing energy exchange in our bodies, and this reduces dramatically our energy resources and leaves us drained and even sick.

Enough is enough; it is time to reclaim your energy and start shining your light instead!!

Contact me for details and upcoming dates.

Short Impactful Workshops

Energy Shielding

2-hour online evening workshop.

An empath is an HSP who is highly attuned to the energies and emotions of those around them and feels what another person is feeling at a deep emotional level. Very draining indeed.

I learned to protect my energy the hard way. Only when I got sick and my body screamed out ‘Enough’.

Happy at Work Workshop

2 hours online happy ay work workshop.

What does happiness mean to you and how can we elevate our happiness at work without actually changing our jobs?

Contact me for details and upcoming dates.

‘I am grateful to Tineke for sharing her expertise on shielding, vibrational energy, and the importance of checking in with your body. I also loved being around other highly sensitive people who are also navigating the world with similar challenges. The group calls raised my vibration and left me inspired and supported. Tineke is a guru at helping highly sensitive people. She has so much knowledge, positivity, and compassion to share with the world’

Patti Tutalo, Leader of Transformational Experiences